Halula Gem
Is there parking?
Yes there is free parking for 3 cars 50 meters from the entrance in the private car park. Additional parking in public car park 30 seconds walk from the property (fees apply).
What is there to do in the surrounding area?
From our website home page, click properties and then Halula Gem. Below the Halula Gem title are links for ‘places to eat and drink’, ‘enhance your stay’ and ‘things to do’. Everything you need to know will be on those links. You will also receive a welcome pack upon booking.
What do we need to bring?
The house is fully self catering and there will be one item of toilet roles, bin bag, dish washer tablet etc…
Do you have a recommended chef?
We have a suppliers list on the ‘enhance your stay’ tab located just below the Halula Gem title on the Halula Gem properties page. Chef, cakes and many of our suppliers are listed there. You will also receive all the above information in our welcome pack upon booking.
Are balloons included?
Balloons are not included but they can be added by contacting Joanna at balloons and ribbons UK. You will receive her full details upon booking in our welcome pack or by clicking ‘enhance your stay’ on the Halula Gem properties page.
Does the house have out door space?
No, the house is located in Bridgwater town centre with plenty on the door step.
Do you provide towels?
A hand and bath towel will be provided at the end of each bed.
Can the property sleep any more than 20?
Halula gems maximum capacity is 20, you are more than welcome to have further friends and family visit in the day but the sleeping capacity is 20.